A New Implementation of EDSAC¶
Hatim Kanchwala
Module hierarchy¶

Generic module structure¶

Delay line implementation (1)¶
module delay_line
#(parameter STORE_LEN = 16,
parameter WORD_WIDTH = 36)
(output reg [STORE_LEN*WORD_WIDTH-1:0] monitor,
output reg data_out,
input wire clk,
input wire data_in,
input wire data_in_gate,
input wire data_clr // Active low. );
reg [STORE_LEN*WORD_WIDTH-1:0] store;
integer i;
initial begin
// Assuming stores in delay lines were cleared.
monitor = 0;
store = 0;
data_out = 1'b0;
Delay line implementation (2)¶
// Recirculation logic.
always @(posedge clk) begin
for (i = 0; i < STORE_LEN*WORD_WIDTH-1; i = i + 1)
store[i] <= store[i+1];
store[STORE_LEN*WORD_WIDTH-1] <= (data_in_gate) ? data_in : (store[0] & data_clr);
always @(negedge clk) begin
monitor[STORE_LEN*WORD_WIDTH-1:0] <= store[STORE_LEN*WORD_WIDTH-1:0];
data_out <= store[0];
Use of delay lines in memory¶
module memory
(output wire [575:0] monitor, // External long tank display for full 576 bits.
output wire mob_tn,
input wire clk,
input wire mib,
input wire tn_in,
input wire tn_clr,
input wire tn_out );
delay_line #(.STORE_LEN(16), .WORD_WIDTH(36)) dl
(.monitor (monitor),
.clk (clk),
.data_in (mib),
.data_in_gate (tn_in),
.data_clr (tn_clr) );
assign mob_tn = tn_out ? monitor[0] : 1'bz;
Control section modules¶

Computer modules¶