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ChipHack Installation guide for Linux

You need to install the Yosys tool chain. All software is free and open source. The following steps are for installing software on Ubuntu 16.04 or later, and cover the building and installation of three tools, which are required for programming the myStorm board. You can use these for a laptop running Linux, or to install the tools on a Raspberry Pi. Users of other flavors of Linux will need to modify these instructions slightly for their systems.

Downloading and installing pre-requisites

These are needed for compiling and installing the icestorm, Arachne-PNR and yosys tools later.

For Debian-based distributions, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential clang bison flex libreadline-dev \
gawk tcl-dev libffi-dev git mercurial graphviz xdot pkg-config python \
	  python3 libftdi-dev vim htop screen iverilog

For Fedora-based distributions, use the following command:

dnf install @development-tools clang bison flex readline-devel \
gawk tcl-devel libffi-devel git mercurial graphviz python-xdot \
pkgconfig python python3 libftdi-devel vim htop screen iverilog

Downloading and installing IceStorm

Starting in an empty directory:

git clone icestorm
cd icestorm
make -j8
sudo make install

Downloading and installing arachne-pnr

Starting in the same directory:

git clone arachne-pnr
cd arachne-pnr
make -j8
sudo make install

Downloading and installing Yosys

Starting in the same directory:

git clone yosys
cd yosys
make -j8
sudo make install

Downloading the resources for ChipHack

This is done by cloning the ChipHack repository:

git clone


If you encounter issues you can discuss on the ChipHack Google Group or ChipHack 2017 Slack team.